A review by orangerful
The Worst Class Trip Ever by Dave Barry


Something about this book rubbed me the wrong way. I think if I was a 12 year old boy, I probably wouldn't care so much, and that is the target audience so it's not that big of a deal. But reading this as an adult that lived through 9/11, it was hard for me to feel comfortable while reading about supposed terrorist plots and assassinations. It just kept me from laughing at all the fart jokes...I wanted to laugh but it was just really hard with that plot line yanking me out of the funny and into the real world.

I was really hoping that this was just going to be a story of shenanigans as the kinds bumbled around, I felt the terrorist plot was unnecessary. Wyatt and his friends were clearly dufuses and they didn't need a wacky plot to make idiots of themselves. Just wandering D.C. as a class should have been funny enough.

Oh well...kind of a let down from some one who loved Dave Barry when she was 13...