A review by mad_about_books
Burning Bright by E.J. Stevens


I love language. The way it is used by different writers probably explains my reading addiction. Some are given to language so beautiful the flow carries me along in worlds far from my stark reality. Others, use language sharp and modern. One is not better than the other, but they are certainly different. I thought about this while reading BURNING BRIGHT because I also realized that point of view has a lot to do with the way language is used. I'm old-school, never end a sentence with a preposition, with my own caveat that it's OK to break the rules when writing dialog.

E. J. Stevens writes from Ivy Granger's point of view, in other words, in the first person. In essence, the entire book is the dialog of all that is inside the head of the protagonist. Ivy is snarky and hip, and she lives in a modern-day world where the paranormal is everyday business as usual.

Since I started reviewing everything I read, I tend to have at least a partially critical eye open at all times. I am totally aware, at least subconsciously, of the nuances of language. It is the way English is used in a book that drives my personal rating system. If I get lost in a story, if I am entertained by a story, if I can't put the Kindle away until my eyes are so blurred that I can make neither heads nor tails of what I am reading, that book is a 5-star read.

My language thing is closely related to my 'I don't do spoilers' thing. Even though I'm into my fifth Ivy Granger read, you might not be. I hate to give anything away, especially when I'm really into the subject matter. Why do people climb mountains? Because they're there. Why do I read books? For pretty much the same reason. It's all about discovery which is something I believe you must do for yourself.

E. J. Stevens' writing is cinematic which is another big plus. She is really good at painting pictures in your mind's eye, images that would transfer well to the small screen as a series. I can see it all now… "Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective" tonight at 8:00 PM. Hey, Joss Whedon here's a book series for you to option! I would set my DVR to watch in a heartbeat.

If you are already reading the series, you will be happy to know that Ivy's circle, along with her world view, continues to expand as she deals with the life and death issues of Harborsmouth. If you're not reading the series, I highly recommend that you start with book one - SHADOW SIGHT. You won't be sorry.