A review by ciska
Time Shadows [Shadow Chronicles Book 1] by Sharon Jordan


The author
Born in Southern California Sharon Jordan divides her time between acting and writing. She has been trained in producing and directing independent films and has written several scripts for TV, film and stage. She graduated from the Second City Conservatory in Los Angeles. For more information visit http://www.sharon-jordan.com

The review
I am not really sure how to start this review. This book is a perfect example of two sides of the story and not only the storyline itself.
The book tells two stories. One is the story of Jacqueline, how she is trying to find help for her weird dreams and instead keeps running into problems and the story of Michelle.
The Michelle parts are very strong and well written. The character was strong and you could feel everything she was going trough. It was clear the author spend a lot of time investigating the situation and also spend a lot of time to carefully develop this story.
All this lacks in the story of Jacqueline. There are so many flaws they are annoying. According to the time line we are in 1972 but the way Jacqueline is behaving does not fit a woman in that era. Not even with a backup story that her mother failed to set an example. The language she is using towards Delphi and her physician, the lack of respect she shows for these people is annoying.
The book had bit of a rushed feeling like there was not enough time to complete the whole story and parts where put in to fill the book. Still I would like to know more about Jacqueline's other caretakers, who are they and what are their roles. Simon and Jeffrey seem like interesting character too but could have been filled out a bit more.
Still I gave this book three stars. One is for the original idea and well set up idea and one is for the fact that even though the book by times is annoying I still wanted to continue reading it. This combined feeling made that I felt two stars was a bit low for this book but I am not sure it deserves the three stars either. I hope the next book in this series, which is expected later this year, gives a bit more attention to the whole of the story cause there is a lot of potential.