A review by glindaaa
Darkness Falls by Cate Tiernan


So after my re-read I try to think more of themes and stuff while reading a book. I like how the Immortal Beloved series is about choice. Picking right from wrong and good from evil. There is never only good and never only evil. The biggest part is the gray part or the shadow part or whatever you want to call it. And maybe the most beautiful part is that Nasty admits it's not only for immortals but also for normal people. We all make bad choices and we all agree that life sometimes isn't fair, we just have to learn to cope with it and pick the right decision from the wrong one.


Part 2 of the Immortal Beloved series was like an eyeopener about Nastasya. To actually get to know her better. I mean we are with so many people on this world and we all have our different opinions or ways to enjoy our life. So has she and I sometimes wondered why she didn't dare or just didn't do some things.
I mean we saw her struggle with Old Mac and Dray and that didn't work out and I just wanted it for her so badly because she thought she was evil. If you realise al that, and the world looks like it turns it's back on you it's not weird that she wants to be with Incy again.
Maybe a bit because she was afraid of him but I think Incy is the best actor in the world. He looked like he cared about her (yes her powers) and she hated working that hard at River's so she just went back to her luxery living. Not a bad thing only bad friends.

I was happy for Nasty when she realised that the people at River's really were her friends. She knew more about them and they really cared about her. More than Incy, Boz and Katy who she spend something like ninety years with. (Boz at least). However I think that if I were Nastasya I would also been swept up by Incy, his charmes and everything. They were together for more than a century. You couldn't blame her. She just wanted to hold on tpo much on a friendship that wasn't actually excisting.

It was a great 'construction' (I don't know the right word) of the story. How everything went wrong and Incy came and that she realized that she wanted to be back at River's but she just didn't go and my my my that they saved her at that old warehouse. I was really waiting for it or not waiting, because I doubted it would happen, I was really hoping for it. I was happy that Reyn was there. Not just because of the romance but it showed Nasty that apart from River and the teachers there were other people that cared about her and wanted to save her. Same with Brynne coming in after a period she was back at her real new home.

I'm looking forward to Eternally Yours!
First read: March 30 - April 4th 2013