A review by timgrubbs
The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe by Joseph Fink, Jeffrey Cranor


Set your radio frequency to Night Vale community radio and tune into another year of local community announcements, ad breaks, and local events happening in a small isolated town in the middle of the desert. Which desert? They don’t know…

Great Glowing Coils of the Universe: Welcome to Night Vale Episodes, Volume 2 by Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink contains transcripts of the second year of the podcast, with breaks in between each episode by those involved in the project.

Night Vale breaks new ground with new guest writers, enthusiastic additional voices (giving Cecil the radio station manager a break), and new changes in Noght Vale’s ongoing storylines.

First, the radio station finds itself witness to two key events…the consolidation of all local radio into one station (with desert bluffs and other employees joining the station, lucky considering the high intern turnover due to death and disappearance) and moderating the debate for the upcoming mayoral race (my vote is for the five headed dragon with the fake ID).

As expected, you’ll have continued stories about local politics, the secret police, and others…as new characters and stories are introduced including the horrors of the summer reading program, the faceless woman who secretly lives in your house, and the annual charity auction of unusual items.

It’s just a wonderful fun messy world that’s been created. Even if a lot of it doesn’t make sense, hop on and enjoy the ride..