A review by zxcvbnmackie
How Much Land Does a Man Need? by Leo Tolstoy


This book contains 2 stories:
1. "How Much Land Does a Man Need?"
2. "What Men Live By".

- Story 1 is a story about a peasant farmer named Pakhom who monitors his wife and sister-in-law squabbling because the sister-in-law claims to live a better life than her sister (Pakhom's wife). Upon hearing this boastful conversation, Pakhom believes that owning lots of land is his answer to escaping poverty and by extension making himself invulnerable to fearing the devil. However, the devil is secretly present in the room and hears Pakhom's claim. - The moral of this story focuses on the notion of greed and how its consequences can easily lead to one's ruin.

- Story 2 follows a man and wife (Semyon and Martyona) during a season of Winter and their encounter with a man who Semyon has found freezing oustide by a chapel and has subsequently brought home. A decision that will unexpectedly change their lives. - This story encompasses the effects and lessons gathered from moral decision-making, highlights the influence of faith/religion and expresses, both brief and brilliantly, how people do not realise how much they really need one another.

Both stories were wonderful. It was interesting to learn that James Joyce considered "How Much Land Does a Man Need?" to be the world's greatest story. I was also surprisingly enticed and enlightened by the second story given its religious centre of interest and how I do not consider myself religious.

Overall, a great reading experience. Highly recommend.