A review by books_are_nice_and_enjoyable
Das Boot by Lothar-Günther Buchheim



This book is definitely not for everybody. Many people die and much of what happens in this book is really sort of awful/terrible. The slow pace also means some people will find it boring, even though there's a lot of tension as well. In short: You need to be in the right frame of mind to feel that it's 'worth it' reading a book like this.

When I first started reading it, I wasn't in this frame of mind, and that meant that I eventually concluded I had to take a break from the book and then get back to it later. There was never any doubt I'd get back later, it's a brilliantly written book. But it's tough to read this one. It is well worth it, though.

If you've never seen the movie the book will probably hit you significantly harder than if you have read the book. But it hits you hard either way.