A review by ninadonata
Deceit by Ava Harrison


We all ready know that books written by this author are high on my favorite list. Because of this was over the moon excited for Deceit.
All my excitement was earned because this book is about some Characters that we meet in tow other series also written by Miss Harrison. Because both of them seemed really interesting to me in the books where they appeared.
It was really interesting that we had a male main character who is royal. Because In my opinion nobels have their owns magic.
As we from books written by Ava the style of writing has been amazing.putting this book down was impossible.
An other thing wich is typical for books written by this author is that she chooses the write words to show emotions and her books always have serious themes.
But in some points this book had been lighter than her books i read before. I loved out loud but when the characters felt bad i cried. I never felt bad about exoressing my feelings while reading.
Olliver was a man with a lot of charisma. He totally is aware of the fact that he has decissions to make like an adult. But if cares for you he does it with his whole heart. He doesn't says the truth every time. He can teach you how to live. Heloves fiercely.
Addison is really hard working women. Who sometimes forgets how enjoy things she blames her self for things she has done wrong when she was young. She loves with all her heart but she puts family first. She fights for what she wants. If you loose her trust it isn't easy to get it back.
To conclude i would say that this very emotional story is able to get to every one. You can love with the characters and cry with them. This book cought me from the first page. so no wonder it gets all the possible stars.

Merged review:

We all ready know that books written by this author are high on my favorite list. Because of this was over the moon excited for Deceit.
All my excitement was earned because this book is about some Characters that we meet in tow other series also written by Miss Harrison. Because both of them seemed really interesting to me in the books where they appeared.
It was really interesting that we had a male main character who is royal. Because In my opinion nobels have their owns magic.
As we from books written by Ava the style of writing has been amazing.putting this book down was impossible.
An other thing wich is typical for books written by this author is that she chooses the write words to show emotions and her books always have serious themes.
But in some points this book had been lighter than her books i read before. I loved out loud but when the characters felt bad i cried. I never felt bad about exoressing my feelings while reading.
Olliver was a man with a lot of charisma. He totally is aware of the fact that he has decissions to make like an adult. But if cares for you he does it with his whole heart. He doesn't says the truth every time. He can teach you how to live. Heloves fiercely.
Addison is really hard working women. Who sometimes forgets how enjoy things she blames her self for things she has done wrong when she was young. She loves with all her heart but she puts family first. She fights for what she wants. If you loose her trust it isn't easy to get it back.
To conclude i would say that this very emotional story is able to get to every one. You can love with the characters and cry with them. This book cought me from the first page. so no wonder it gets all the possible stars.