A review by aashkevr
Five Ghosts Volume 1: The Haunting of Fabian Gray by Frank J. Barbiere


I received an electronic copy of this graphic novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I thought that the concept of this comic was awesome. Haunted by the ghosts of literary characters? what's not to love? I was pretty sure this was going to be absolutely wonderful.

Unfortunately, it wasn't really what I was hoping for/expected.

The incorporation of the 'ghosts' of the literary characters was a lot less interesting than I expected. I thought there would be strong connections and interesting allusions, but, although they had their roles, the literary aspect of the ghosts didn't seem to make a big difference.
So, while the premise was an instant hook, I found that the aspects I was most interested in were not a significant part of the product.

The "pulpy" art style isn't my favorite, but I have no complaints regarding execution.

The character development I found lacking. It was difficult for me to feel for the characters. Also, like many comics, the portrayal of women was very one-dimensional and stock.

I went into the comic expecting something with a deep, literary value. It wasn't what I look for in comics, but I think my disappointment was largely due to a misconception. I was expecting a literary romp that would cater to bibliophiles and favor the educated.

With different expectations, and a better appreciation for the style the illustrator employed, I think this could be an enjoyable read.