A review by lalabristow
Whisper of Light by Jennifer DeLucy


Previously Published on my blog: Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life

*Contain spoilers if you haven’t read Seers of The Light!

When I heard that Whisper of Light would tell Christian’s Happily Ever After, I was ecstatic. However, when I saw that the story would follow a different group of sentients and would be told not by Lily, main character of Seers of The Light, I was very doubtful. I am extremely happy to say that I stand corrected! I loved Whisper of Light and Jennifer DeLucy has a an absolute fan in me now.

In Whisper of Light we see the world through Nicole’s eyes. She was born from sentient parents and raised in their world. Her father had huge expectations for her, but when Nicole grew up and no sentient powers were forthcoming, she had to deal with the fact that would forever be ordinary in a world full of the extraordinary.

Christian had to get away for a while. Seeing the woman he thought he loved, engaged to the man he used to hate and that actually saved his life, was more than he could take. He then joins with another group of sentients and finally has a chance to find out was love really is.

What i most enjoyed about this novel was the sweet romance between Christian and Nicole. Usually in PNR novels there is a lot of lust that turn into love, but this time the romance was something slower and sweeter. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy hot smex in my PMR, but this was a very welcome change of pace, where the hero and heroine got to know each other and fall in love before ever getting to the down and dirty.

Whisper of Light doesn’t really have much action and definitely nothing like the last part of Seers of The Light, but it was an estremelly enjoyable book nonetheless. It was beautiful to see the journey that Nicole takes, learning that even though she isn’t a sentient, she is special in her own way.

Jennifer DeLucy has created such a beautiful series that I recommend to Paranormal lovers everywhere! I just hope that there will be more books in the series!