A review by kristindowner
A Blossom of Bright Light by Suzanne Chazin


Originally Posted: http://www.nerdprobs.com/books/book-review-a-blossom-of-bright-light-by-suzanne-chazin/

**A copy of this book was provided by the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

I love a good mystery. I have requirements to fill in order for a book to get the highest ratings. It has to be believable. It has to flow smoothly. And it has to have well-written character development and an ending you'd never guess. Suzanne Chazin nailed it on the head.

"A Blossom of Bright Light", the second book in the Jimmy Vega stories by Chazin, follows the story of New York homicide detective Jimmy Vega. One not foreign to struggle and violence, Vega finds himself battling a murder that would give anyone goosebumps. A newborn baby's body has been found, umbilical cord still attached, and no one to claim the body. Found near a popular community center, Vega finds himself twisted in a little closer than he cares for when the Hispanic community involved doesn't trust cops due to a recent deportation order on one of their own, and a girlfriend smack in the center. Vega is the type of cop you would want working on a case if you wanted justice served. He is a no nonsense type with the need to see it through to the end... no matter what his superiors say.

Chazin wrote characters that fit the story, developed them out and allowed the reader (myself) to peel back layers as if they were an onion. If you thought you knew everything, you didn't. And if you think you have it all figured out... you don't. With so many story lines going on, I thought I would dislike this story. I'm not a fan of multiple stories that end up tying into one because in the beginning it can be confusing. But Chazin pulled it off. Each story told an important part of the tale and slowly they wound together until an explosive climax. The story was visually rich and compelling the whole way. I couldn't put it down. If you are a fan of mystery, suspense, and a bit of scare... then pick up "A Blossom of Bright Light". This book will keep you guessing and flipping pages straight through to the very end. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.