A review by judyward
The Collectors by David Baldacci


I was in a bookstore recently and David Baldacci was going to read from one of his new books and then have a book signing. He wasn't due to arrive for two more hours and there was already a line of about a hundred people clutching bags of books in preparation. Intrigued,I went to the library on my way home and checked this book out to see what all of the excitement was about. I'm still waiting to see what all of the excitement was about. I didn't care for this book, the subject matter, or the writing. Why I didn't give it a 2 minus is only because that isn't an option. The only way I can see myself picking up another one of his books is if I am isolated somewhere and he is the only author available. Until then, there are too many other books to read and too little time to read them.