A review by sde
Alex As Well by Alyssa Brugman


This looks like another new YA book about a transgender teen that seem to be coming out by the bucketload. Instead, the main character is intersex. I didn't find the book convincing since it was set in the current day. I can't imagine the approach in Australia would be that different than in the US. The main character, Alex, has no idea that he is intersex until well into the book. He just knows he wants to be a girl. In real life, this kid would have been undergoing surgeries and going through therapy, knowing full well what his/her situation was. When I was a young child way back in the 1970s I had to go to Boston Children's Hospital for months, and we met all kinds of patients, including a child like this - that was 40 years ago!

I also didn't understand what was going on with the parents. I understand that they were under a lot of stress, but the mother's craziness seemed unrealistic. The father was incredibly awkward, but at least he was more believable. I did like the character of the attorney, Crockett, and would have liked to see more of him in the book.