A review by npersendt
Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee



This book had so much potential. The ending felt too black and white for characters who were known for doing bad things. I wish Lee had committed to killing Hilo during the bombing and gone with the Ayt Mada power struggle. I would have eaten that shit up but no instead we got a book that just did not know when to end. I did not care for the last 250 pages of this book. There were so many characters that I did not care for, Nico is disgustingly boring and underwritten.

Considering how good the first two books were I had a lot of high expectations for this one and I was excited to see where the characters were going. Especially Wen. Wen was my favourite character in Jade War and she was relegated to being next to useless. Shae just worked on my fucking nerves for most of the book. Anden was okay. I felt like he was only there to move the plot along and did not get very much character development.

I think the biggest problem with this book is that for most of it Ayt Mada was not the villain until the very end. And then she just became a cartoon. There were so many different little irrelevant stories that just over thickened the plot. The GSI and Sunto stuff made me want to come down from the mountain. Boring and irrelevant, take me back to bad bitch Ayt Mada. I definitely think Lee should write a prequel about Ayt who was one of the best written characters in the whole series.

Im being overly negative towards a book that some parts I did enjoy. All of the Maik Tar bits was so heartbreaking and well written. Chefs kiss. I really loved Ru as a character but I also felt like his death had little to no consequences. Jaya was also so great. I wish there had been some type of indication that she would have taken over as horn. However the final interaction between Jaya and Shae left a very bad taste in my mouth about Shae. Last but not least my favourite part of the entire series is Hilo's character arc. He was not perfect but fuck he was great. An exceptionally memorable character. The perfect Anti-Hero.