A review by meezcarrie
Hope Harbor by Irene Hannon


First, let me talk about Michael and Tracy. Their chemistry right from the beginning was tangible. You could almost hear the air crackle with it whenever they shared the same page, but as you might expect they both dragged along quite a bit of baggage. Too much to insure smooth sailing in the romance department. Both widowed tragically, both dealing with a boatload of angst and grief that's still very much alive and well... both adamant that romance is completely off the table forever. You can read the book for yourself to see how well that works for them. But to quote Tracy herself...




THE CHEMISTRY!!! Something you can always count on in Irene Hannon's stories - be they romantic suspense or contemporary romance - is the electricity between her characters. Lots of dreamy sighing on my part as I read this one!

But before we get too caught up in the sparks and the heat, there is so much more to this delightful and heartwarming book. The plot of healing and forgiveness (both of yourself and others) and selflessness - all of those themes just add layer upon layer to the romance until you're left with a book that redefines "love story" as something deeper and more Divine than you expected.

And the characters! Oh goodness, I fell in love with ALL of the secondary characters in this book! I want a whole series with them - to settle in and take up residence in their lives. I want to spend some time on the cranberry farm with Uncle Bud and Nancy. I want to sit on Anna's back patio with her and sample some of those delicious cookies she bakes. I want to giggle at Father Kevin and Reverend Baker as I listen to their friendly sparring, and I want to watch Floyd and his new gal Gladys stroll along the beach (as long as they don't get too close to me....but that's a story for another day). But most of all? I want to hang out with Charley... that philanthropic taco maker I mentioned earlier. I think Charley is more than he seems, even more than Irene Hannon let on, and I would so love to follow him around for a day or so and see if I'm right.

Alas. The characters of Hope Harbor aren't real. Neither is Hope Harbor for that matter. The message of Hope Harbor? That's more real than any of us can imagine.

Bottom Line: Read this book. A romance that is so much more than a romance, Hope Harbor will wind its way into your heart and settle there along with the reminder that sometimes healing can start with a fish taco :)

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for only my honest review.)

Read my full review at: https://readingismysuperpower.wordpress.com/2015/08/30/review-hope-harbor-irene-hannon/