A review by raven168
The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter


I really enjoyed this. Lazarus and Cameo were just great. I do wish it hadn't been such a very long time since I read when they first met because I couldn't remember much of anything about that time and I would have loved to.

I love Lazarus. While I don't know how keen I am that he was able to easily take out multiple Lords in a fight (strength is hot but sometimes I just don't want to see others I like beaten so easy), I absolutely loved his personality. He was hilarious and cocky, but fierce and devoted to Cameo.

It was so great to see the true Cameo here. Because the misery of her voice doesn't affect Lazarus, she can freely talk without experiencing the guilt she always does when other cringe. And because of that, the banter between the two is fantastic. Cameo is a warrior thru and thru, but she's also a woman. She's funny, has a soft side and desires. Lazarus makes her think these things are within reach.

When Cameo gets to Lazarus's realm, she quite literally crash lands into it. She doesn't know how long she spent healing, but she quickly learns that the place isn't safe. She meets someone named Rathbone who ends up being important and powerful, though she doesn't know who he is at the time. When Rathbone leads her to a village she finds herself in a lot of trouble. Until Lazarus shows up. Cameo doesn't remember him at all, but he definitely remembers her. Lazarus hasn't been able to forget about her because she's his mate. But the elation at finding her is dampened by the fact that the more time he spends with her, the faster the crystals in his body spread. Greatly reducing his movements and reactions. Back at his castle, Lazarus tries to woo her back to his bed but just for one night. He can't afford any more than that. But Cameo wants forever, not one night so she pushes him away. When the time comes and Cameo goes back to her own realm, she makes a promise to Lazarus should he be able to find her there. Find her he does and now it's harder than ever for him to stick to his choice to leave her. He fast needs to choose between revenge against those who made him suffer, or spending the rest of his days with the woman he loves. He makes his choice though, and with it, so does Cameo. When she does something that really urked the hell out of me. But it all works out well enough.

Lazarus comes with a lot of baggage. He seeks revenge on so many people including Hera and his father. The crystals in his body are actually not a curse, but something that he needs to be strong enough to emerge from. He obtains something that everybody has been looking for, but is afraid to tell Cameo. I did like how the title of his book would change with each chapter and what's been happening.

The ending was both good and bad
Spoilergood because Cameo is free from the demon, but bad because now Misery is on the loose
. Urban has developed this weird crush on Viola that needs to be put to a stop fast because it's just weird and and happened for no reason other than she likes to cause trouble.

Despite all the uproar about Gillian not ending up with William, I'm looking forward to jumping into the next book and learning more about Puck. And seeing what happens next.