A review by marshmallowbooks
The Cabinet of Wonders by Marie Rutkoski


This is a fantasy story set in a part of the world I havent read much about: the Czech Republic (or maybe Czechoslovakia, given the period it's set in?) Anyway, it was an interesting read. People may or may not be gifted with a magical talent. Some can "speak" with inanimate objects, or contain the uncontainable, or sweat acid. But even with a magical talent, they may or may not be allowed into the Academy to develop that gift. Some of those who are not gifted, may be super jealous of those that are; people like Prince Rodolpho, for instance, who hires Petra's father to create a truly magnificent clock, then steals his eyes so he can never replicate it, or build anything beautiful again.

I liked the story and I found it pretty interesting. This is the first book of a trilogy and I am intrigued about the rest of the books. I'm eager to find out more about the Academy. It was briefly mentioned as a school of magic, more or less, but not much was said other than that Petra's chances of getting in were slim to none. I feel like there is potential for this to have been just the beginning of something that could be developed more in the subsequent books.

I also liked her relationship with Neel. When she does not fall for his invisible fingers - sensing them picking her purse, when no one has ever felt them before - they are put into a bit of a predicament with each other, not sure what to think of the other, but end up working together and becoming friends. I wouldn't be surprised if we learn more about Neel's Roma people, who I think will end up helping Petra even more in the future.