A review by yvo_about_books
The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins


 Finished reading: February 16th 2023
DNF at 11% (43 pages)

“It’s the notion that the universe is structured in such a way that no matter how many mysteries you solve, there is always a deeper mystery behind it.”

WARNING: unpopular opinion ahead!!

I've been meaning to read The Library At Mount Char for years now, and I was actually really excited when my TBR jar thought it was about time I finally picked it up. I do love books with a bookish angle, and the blurb sounded intriguing. Add many high ratings and lots of praise, and I fully expected to have a great time as well. I guess I was wrong! Whatever this is, I'm not wasting another minute of my time on it. Especially after reading some of the more negative reviews and realizing what is still to come (rape, misogeny, animal cruelty, more senseless violence and gore etc.). I like a little weird in my stories, but this is just bat shit crazy and without any direction at all... So thank you, but no thank you. Next!