A review by ctorretta
ALIBI: The Complete Series by Twist Literary, Sorrel Provola, Annie Miles, John Byrne, Isabel Eckersley


What an ingenious way to show different points of view. Each point of view a little different, actually so different from the others that you would never think that just reading one would give you the full story. Everyone is hiding something and the fun part of this is finding out whether that something is detrimental to Abby.

What I was worried about most was the ending. How were the authors going to finish this, were they going to pull this together or just let us sit and stew over the four points of view and make up our own minds on how things went. Fortunately she does clean it up so much so that I had no doubt who killed Abby although each character had some sort of reason in some way or another TO kill her.

And although the characters were great not everyone was portrayed to be a killer and some were more intense than others, Rowan being one of those. Also Ace had some serious issues that needed to be worked out! The fun of it is not knowing and trying to figure out exactly who did it! Kind of like Clue but without Tim Curry but still totally awesome!

So, my initial reaction to this mystery was a bit skeptical but I’m glad I went for it! If you too are a bit skeptical, just read it! Even if you’re not a mystery fan. It’s fun, quirky and a bit weird but totally worth every word.