A review by hyperashley
Unborn by Daniel Gage


First of all look at the gorgeous cover! I knew as soon as I saw that beauty that I was in for a treat with this book and I was not disappointed at all. I know I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but it's hard not to look at this book and not want to read it. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I guess I actually need to talk about the story some and not just about that beautiful cover, that's the last time I swear. thankfully, the story was just as good as the cover, that's the last time I'm serious. It was so action packed, and very fast paced two things that go well together. It was a real page turner, meaning I didn't put the thing down until I finished it. I needed to know more and then next thing I know it's over.

The only negative thing that I can say is that it was a little dull at the start. Also slightly confusing but it was easy to get through those parts. It didn't take long for me to fall in love with the characters and the story. Though I am a lover of sci-fi so it's no surprise that I enjoyed this so much.

I highly recommend this to all the sci-fi lovers out there.