A review by jbarr5
Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury


Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury
Brad Culler has it all, a fairytale life ahead of him. but the ad campaign he hopes to win for the company sets him to his past.
He recalls his past and thinks of Holden Beach, NC and know he needs to talk to Emma Landon before his life can go forward.
He is to be married as the days get closer to his life with Lauren James.
He has much faith in God in helping direct him to do the right thing.
The story also follows Emma and her daughter, now 9 year old as she is the teacher.
Frankie is a girl that she teaches that has a rare blood disease and she tolerates the pain it causes.
Lots of scriptures that lead to the answers they need.
Love how the book got it's title.