A review by slc333
No One Lives Twice by Julie Moffett


Fun chick lit spy novel in the vein of Stephanie Plum.
What I liked –
Lexi’s reactions to the situations. I kind of liked how she freaked out over things like being held at gunpoint, got an alarm system (as ineffective as it was) when people kept breaking into her place and her reasons for getting involved and doing stuff on her own were believable. I LOVED the Zimmerman twins and their friendship with Lexi. Lexi’s lack of trust for the mysterious men popping up despite her attraction to them. Engages brain despite hormones – YAY.

What I didn’t like so much –
Lexi is supposedly this super smart computer nerd who works for the NSA on computer stuff, is outraged whenever men are surprised that she a woman works in this field yet seems incapable of finding the most basic information about people and companies, relying on the menfolk (the Twins and Slash) to get her info. I don’t have a problem with her getting their expert help but would have like to see her using some of her supposed computer skills to find some info of her own.

Plus while I know this kind of book requires the mysterious spy love interest, and love triangles are de rigeur these days but I was indifferent to both Slash and Finn and didn’t find it believable that either of them developed feelings for Lexi on such short and limited acquaintance. There was also a few hints that one of the twins Elvis likes Lexi (naturally she is oblivious) and he is the only one of the three that I actually found believable as a love interest for Lexi. However I am pretty sure it will be Finn or Slash who carry the day.