A review by cyclone_rachel
The Flash: Supergirl's Sacrifice by Barry Lyga



seriously though, I probably need to read it again to fully process everything that was going on (and maybe reread it and the first one when the third comes out soon) but! Wow!

I mean, first of all, it had all the angst of that other Crisis without Kara having to actually die, which was a plus

also, Ambush Bug! Fun time-travel sidequest! Owlman! Heroes who don't usually get to work together getting to meet! Meta jokes and other cool references! Things we might not get to see on the shows for budget reasons!

anyway I am biased because I do love this universe and these characters, but it reminded me of everything that I enjoy about them and I would very much like to keep reading novels like these. thank you.

P.S. Brainy was wonderful and probably my personal favorite part of the book. other than Kara and Alex and J'onn. obviously.