A review by amyiw
Darkness Revealed by Alexandra Ivy


3 1/2
I think I was a little frustrated with the non-communication on this one. Also the justice vs revenge that surfaces in the end, made me a little irritated. So what, women, all women of this series, have to be selfless and forgivers and all men alpha fighters? I'm sure that is not the case but so far we got the vegetarian werewolf, and all the women balk at killing bad people that have been trying to kill them or their partners. OK, that is not so bad but... I guess along with the frustration of the non-communication, it grated. I liked the couple but they had they're first tryst 200 years before. I think the way the meeting in the future takes place doesn't spark the chemistry but took away somewhat. So although I liked this one, I just didn't like it as much as the last 2.