A review by merlin_reads
Out of Breath by Rebecca Donovan


 First, I just have to say that maybe using italics to symbolize flashbacks, inner monologues, and a different characters POV was probably not a good idea and whoever let this go to publishing like that should be fired. That alone lost it a full star. I should not be confused when it switches POV's. Also, the switching didn't need to literally be every other paragraph. This really threw the flow of the book off and it just frustrated me instead of keeping me engaged.

Now, to the actual plot. Emma's in California dealing with her stupid decisions (obviously, not well) and still pushing away everyone around her. How this girl has friends, I will never know. She is literally the worst person ever. But yet, she has this amazing group of girls around her who coddle her and love her. WHY? Stop coddling her and force her to deal with her shit. Girl needs therapy not warm hugs.

The one thing I didn't want to happen obviously happened because this is a romance book where the MC can be as horrible as she wants and still get everything she wants. So, yes, Evan came back.

Evan, sweetie, you are so much better than her. Please figure this out and move on.

While I didn't like this one as much as the first, I also didn't hate it as much as the second. The drama is over the top, the conflicts ridiculous and could have been easily solved instead of dragged out for an entire book, and Emma still made stupid ass decisions and walked around the whole books with the 'woe is me' attitude and "I don't deserve to live'. Gag me. And why the hell did Jonathan have to make an appearance??? Oh wait, drama. I have no clue why these books have such high ratings here. The only reason I gave it the second star were the side characters, mainly Evan's friends and Serena. Other than the side characters and sometimes Evan, this series didn't have a whole lot going for it.