A review by jonh
The Year of Voting Dangerously: The Derangement of American Politics by Maureen Dowd


Eh, it was okay. Thought-provoking, sure, but I got tired of the same points being reiterated over and over again. I understand that as being the nature of writing a regular column, as not every reader will read every column every week. But it does make for something of a labored read when compiled together, reading columns back to back.

But I digress. Maureen Dowd, in her non-bipartisan appraisal of the election cycle, helped clarify certain things I was feeling about the 2016 race: feelings that troubled me, but I couldn't quite articulate. Obviously there's so much more to the election than just MoDo's opinion, but for me, at least, The Year of Voting Dangerously served as a great introduction to understanding what the hell happened this past year.