A review by chuck9997
Dr. Wangari Maathai Plants a Forest by Rebel Girls


Why I read this book- Its world environment day today folks!

Starting from a small village in colonized Kenya to winning Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Wangari Maathai’s story, as depicted in this book, works like a gentle coaxing to every biology enthusiast kid out there. It’s also a reminder to all the successful, grownups-
"What good was it to be big like the elephant or powerful like the leopard if you weren’t going to help when it mattered?"

Filled with beautiful illustrations and all the inspiring milestones Dr Maathai has achieved, top one being starting the Green Belt Movement, this book gives a lingering sense of hope and happiness.

Warning: this is a kid’s book. Do not expect to find the dangerous path Dr Maathai walked to be elaborated here. This is the sweet trailer which one should watch before actually diving into the actual film. Will surely catch upon her autobiography in future!