A review by jo_bookworm
Wedding Bells at Butterfly Cove by Sarah Bennett


I was thrilled to be able to go back and visit Butterfly Cove, I was so engrossed with the place, the characters of Mia and Daniel to be able to go back and see how everything is progressing is a delight.

Sometimes with a second book there can be a lot of rehashing of the first so anyone picking it up can feel that they are not missing anything by not having read the first. I am afraid to say you are. If you want to realise how Mia and Daniel got to where they are and the strength they clearly have in this book then you need to go and read the first.

Of course though, there are more people to get to know and this book is centred very much on Kiki, Mia's sister. She makes the momentous decision to change her life and leave her husband.

Taking her two children she arrives on Mia's doorstep at Butterfly Cove and she is struggling to see any worth in anything. Her life has not been easy even when she was a child and the decisions she has made as an adult have probably been the result of it. Her relationship with her sister is still rather fraught at times but perhaps now she has made one momentous decision the next few will be a lot easier to handle.

Aaron, let his friend Daniel down when he needed him the most, but has since been making up for that by helping Daniel with his latest project. Having seen the draw to a place such as Butterfly Cove he has settled himself down there and is reflecting on how he has never found where he belongs in life, especially when it seems others have been conspiring against him for some unknown reason. Aaron has a lot of love to give and it seems he cannot find the right person to give it to.

Can Kiki see her worth and can Aaron share his love?

Just like the first book there is a lot of depth to all the characters, fully formed and still with strong storylines this is not one of those books which you can skim read and still get the impact that the author is after. The book is totalling absorbing and kept me hooked. This author can and should be easily found with the likes of Carol Matthews and Katie Fforde. I cannot wait for the third book, so I can visit the healing place that has certainly become Butterfly Cove.