A review by lostinagoodbook
Broken Veil by Jeff Wheeler


Disclaimer: I received this book free from Netgalley.

Epic! This is how a series gets wrapped up in spectacular fashion. Loose ends tied up … favorite characters from past book get a quick cameo … a few unexpected twists and here we are, at the end.

The people we love are happy, the people we hate are … well they will get their comeuppance at some point, I suppose. In other words, it looks as though there will be more books in a new series set in this world and I am here for it.

Ugh, I have to write in such vague terms about this title, but I don’t want to give away a single thing. I need to say it is one of my favorite series written by Mr. Wheeler. He has promised more books are to come, I’ll just have to be patient until they get her.

Bonus link: If you’re interested in reading some of Mr. Wheeler’s books there is a great listing of the reading order for all of his books on his webpage. They are interconnected so I would suggest starting at the beginning!

Song for this book: Ode to Joy – Beethoven – Flash Mob