A review by scottjp
Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson


Well...I didn't know this was the third book when I picked it up. And then I did but read that it was a loose trilogy, so I thought it'd be okay anyway. I did enjoy a majority of the book, but I felt lost at certain times, particularly Angela's chapters. She kept referencing things that I assume happened in a prior novel without really explaining them. My fault, not Gibson's.

But I also felt that it was a lot of build-up to nothing. There's sort of a neat ending but I can't figure out what most of the previous happenings had to do with it. Why were Kumiko (the only really likeable character) and her father in it at all? Their drama is hand-waved away at the end.

I seem to recall Idoru, the only other Gibson I've read, being like that as well. So I'm putting that on him.

I might go back and read Neuromancer, go from there and see if any of it makes more sense, or I might not.