A review by naduah82
Mist on Water by Shea Berkley


Originally posted @ Miranda's Book Blog

Have you ever started a book, but almost stopped? This was Mist On Water for me. In fact, I put off reading this, I wished I would have picked it up sooner! Boy am I glad I kept on and decided to trudge through! This is the type of book that just keeps on getting better and better the further you journey throughout the story, reminding me of a fine wine!

This story is written into three parts. Part one is Ryne's POV, which I'll admit that I usually have a hard time with a guy's POV because I have trouble connecting with the protagonist. However, it was a refreshing change of pace to read a book with a guy's POV. Part two is the nix's POV. I must say, Shea Berkley did an amazing job helping the reader see the Nix's take on things. Believe it or not, I actually felt for her during a few parts! Part three is Nari's POV, which was my favorite!

The nix is ruthless. She waits until Ryne finds his one true love, then right before they can have their happily ever after she steals him away in the lake. Like I said above, the author Shea Berkley did an amazing job letting us see into the mind of the nix. While I don’t agree with her ruthlessness, I did get to understand her reasons behind her actions.

Nari is the kind of character that little girls want to be like when they grow up! She's tough, brave and doesn't take crap from anyone! I really admired Nari throughout the story, she doesn’t care what other’s think of her. Nari is one of the most loyal characters I have ever met, her love for Ryne was beautifully powerful. Here’s a quote from Nari that I thought was absolutely beautiful.

“I could not remember my life before Ryne. The moment I met him was the moment my life truly began.”

Throughout the story we get to feel Ryne and Nari’s struggle with good and evil and the power of true love. Overall it’s a great fairytale retelling! Oh and I must mention, one of my favorite elements are included in this book, a happily ever after!