A review by carlysgrowingtbr
Shadow Hunter by Michael Reaves


All the thrills of Star Wars wrapped up in one amazing an epic audiobook.

The narrator, Sam Witwer was absolutely amazing in this audiobook. The voices were everything you expected from a cast of characters from Star Wars. I highly recommend this on audiobook form it definitely enhanced my experience.

In this novel, we learn a lot about Darth Maul and his background and his inner monologue. It was all very interesting to see how he interpreted situations and his fears and loyalty to the Sith.

A quick synopsis of this is Darth Siddius is getting ready to come out until late and make moves against the republic. An normedian contact of his decides to go rogue with some information that could bring down his whole plot. Darth Siddius sends , Darth maul out to find this in the Normedian, and bring him back for his betrayal. Unfortunately, due to a series of events, the information lands in the hands of Lorn Paven. Lorn, along with a Jedi apprentice, must stop Darth Maul, and get the information to the Jedi council.

There are epic battles, fierce beast, and betrayal, all throughout this book. Which made for an suspenseful and thrilling read. I highly recommend.