A review by fringebookreviews
One Season with the Duke by Addy Du Lac


I was hesitant to read this since blackmail is like bottom of the barrel for me, but someone said the villain was vanquished by the end of chapter two, to which I said HELL YEAH. However, while she rightfully didn’t marry him like he wanted, he was still a nuisance throughout the entire book. His actions had many consequences and it got old real fast…but it lasted the whole time 😩

A lot of the rest of the book was just Hettie learning how to be a Scottish duchess and dealing with the dowager who took SO long to warm up to her. I liked the dowager by the end, but combined with the blackmail, it just didn’t make for a plot I was interested in for about 75% of the time. I also just think friends to lovers is also a tough sell for me. It felt like we were missing a key part of their history since it happened off the page so long ago. 

Finn and Hettie were adorable for the other 25%, though, so I’m definitely torn on my overall enjoyment of the book. I loved them but not the plot??? because I LOVED their dynamic. The little things they did for each other…I’m distraught no one talk to me. My favorite of the bunch was him brushing and braiding her hair after he requested to learn 🥹 oh and him giving Hettie all the sandwiches despite them being his favorite. 

Their marriage was full of doubt and secrets, so it was obvious where the third act was headed, but I’d say it still surprised me. Initially the breakup really disgruntled me, but actually I really liked what it brought to their relationship. I think Hettie needed to demand what she wanted, so I was definitely rooting for her and happy to see she stood firm. I enjoyed the grovel and also really liked the shift in the dowager. 

Overall, the writing was great and since I enjoyed the character work, I’ll definitely be reading more from DuLac! It’s hard when I really want to read a book—I mean LOOK at the cover—but the plot set-up just isn’t my thing. I err on the side of giving chances, since happy surprises are the best. I’d say I was pleasantly surprised by the loveliness of the main relationship, but not entirely sold on the plot. Either way, I definitely don’t regret reading this one, but I’m more excited for what’s to come!

⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 🌶️🌶️.5*/5

Thanks to the publisher for an eARC via NetGalley. All opinions are honest and my own.