A review by agrutle
Room for You by Beth Ehemann


I have been reading a ton of heavy books, just filled with heavy topics and they leave me feeling weighed down. They've all been great books but I was looking for something light and easy. This was the perfect book for that. I was rec'd this book by KellyRachelle over on Twitter. Thanks again Kelly for the great rec!!

Ok, lets get down to this book. Kacie's life is guarded. She lives and works with her mom at the Inn that her mom owns. She has two little girls; twins, and has an ex that left her high and dry four years ago. Kacie doesn't know how she could let someone back in to her life and right now she's not really looking for anyone. One night it's storming pretty bad and the inn had an influx of patrons. The last one though, he's a young, good looking guy that peaks an interest in her. She's attracted to him and she almost thinks that she might let him in, then she finds out that he's a professional athlete. He could have anyone he wants. Why her and she's not going to let her heart get broken again.

Confidant that he could beat the storms that were coming Brody left his parents house for his condo. Only to realize all too soon that he was going to have to find somewhere to hunker down and wait out them out. He went down some roads only to get his truck stuck in mud in a driveway for an inn. Little did he know, on the other side of that door was something he didn't even know he was looking for. Kacie was beautiful and she had beautiful daughters, his Twinkies. Brody feels something for Kacie, he can't pinpoint what it is but he likes her a lot. Convincing her that she has to open up and let go a little is a hard task but its one he's up for.

I so loved the way Brody just took things as they came. He wasn't freaked out about the girls, he embraced them and loved them like they were his own daughters. He took his time with Kacie even though he wanted them to be more. He understood her hesitancy. There were a few times I wanted to shake Kacie but with all she had been through I understood why she was so off limits. Fantastic book!!