A review by snowreo
Nightmare in Savannah by Lela Gwenn


First of all, thank you to Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors for making this ARC readily available to read through their site!

Trigger warnings for this graphic novel include: death, blood, attempted suicide, hair pulling, bullying

Nightmare in Savannah features high school student Alexa Bowman, who moves to Savannah to live with her grandfather after her parents are imprisoned for embezzlement. There, she meets Fae, Chloe, and Skye, three social outcasts who are eager to make her part of their group. After a night of drinking in the woods, they find themselves deeply entangled with the Faerie world.

I originally picked this up because I loved the art style on the cover; it gave me very big Hex Girls vibes. That love carried through during the entirety of my reading experience. I really loved the sketchbook style and the way emphasis was placed on certain characters in certain scenes based on whether they were colored in or whether they were drawn out completely or only sketched. It made it easy to see who was important at what points in time and who was able to stand in the background as support. I also think the same goes for the color scheme. It makes it super easy to see the mood of particular scenes. It was also just really pretty.

I think the main characters Alexa, Skye, Fae, and Chloe were super interesting. I liked seeing each of their stories and how their past traumas (bullying by a best friend, parental care, neglectful parents, and more) culminated into how they act towards others and what their motivations are throughout the plot. Their lives aren't perfect and that's what makes them feel more real. I also like how it isn't revealed all at once, it's revealed in several sections throughout. However, I felt like the other characters like Jen were a little too one-dimensional and static and some of them such as Lucas seemed to serve no purpose to the plot.

I also loved all the diversity! It was amazing to see characters of color, characters with birthmarks or blemishes, LGBTQ+ characters, and more. It made the universe feel even more immersive and special. I also like the faerie lore and how they're portrayed in a more sinister light than a lot of popular media nowadays.

My biggest issue with the novel was the pacing. It was extremely fast-paced, and especially in the very beginning and the very end, it was hard to keep track of what was going on and why. The transitions between scenes and events was extremely choppy, so it very much felt like I was being jerked around from scene to scene which made it a little harder to enjoy at points. The passage of time is also affected because of this, because I can't tell how much time actually passes from start to finish and calls into question whether the strength of the friendships and romances actually makes sense. If this were longer or were in multiple volumes, that would definitely be preferable.

Overall, despite the drawbacks, I had an extremely fun time reading this. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes graphic novels, YA fantasy, mysteries and gothic horror without the "extremely scary" element.