A review by rachelhelps
The Healer's War by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough


I don't think I would have normally read this book, but it came in a bundle I bought. It's actually about the Vietnam war, with a little aura-healing fantasy thrown in. It actually kind of threw me off, because I know people who really believe in auras, so to see auras come up in a book that was calling itself fantasy was kind of weird (kind of like if someone wrote a book where essential oils actually killed viruses, and then told everyone to shelve it in fantasy. Accurate, but kind of weird). Once I got over that I kind of liked how brutally realistic it was. I'm so sick of reading about epic wars in fantasy novels. It was refreshing to read a more realistic portrayal of war, complete with overrun hospitals and annoying coworkers. I also found it interesting how unhelpful the healing powers ended up being, and how even if one person could heal lots of people, so many more were dying and needed emotional healing as well.