A review by fdarlene491
To Catch an Earl by Kate Bateman


I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

To Catch An Earl, by Kate Bateman, is available at booksellers on 6-30-2020. Catch is book 2 in Ms Batemans A Bow Street Bachelors series. The premise is 3 army friends back in London and working for Bow Street, believable enough but not likely. Runners were most often rough men, some former criminals themselves which made them good at their jobs. These runners are now titled gentlemen, thanks to Prinny, involved with the government somehow, and Bow Street, and the ton and run a gambling establishment. It's too much to wrap my head around.

Alex is nice enough, handsome, straight arrow kind of guy. He gets bored easily by his new life out of the service & is always up for the hunt and chase of a new case. Emmy is completely unbelievable as a regency woman. She is so much more 20th century, with a good head on her shoulders, running around alone, and is a darn good cat burglar. Admirable lady. The story is fine, the characters are fine, it's not overly long but dragged in several places.

#KateBateman #ToCatchAnEarl #BowStreetBachelors #Netgalley #StMartin'sPaperbacks