A review by the2bex
The Book of Ruth by Jane Hamilton


This was the first book I read of 2012. I remember liking it ok, but it wasn't my favorite book. I found the quality of writing to be above average. I do not remember why, but I must have liked the way the author wrote. I did have a problem with the pace though. It was a slow moving book. If I really enjoy a book, I can read it in a day or two. This book took me 4 days and I wasn't working those 4 days. And I think it took me so long b/c it was hard to get into due to it being so slow paced. I kept waiting for something to happen (I had been told there was a big twist at the end) so I was waiting and waiting for it. And then it finally happened, so there was one intense chapter and then it was slow again.

I actually liked the characters. They were all very flawed and didn't try to hide it. They were uneducated and often mean, but most of them had their redeeming qualities. I did not like May. She was mean and didn't even attempt to change or see the effect she had on others.

I found the aspect of Christianity really interesting in the book: Ruth doesn't believe in Jesus, but still finds comfort in the Bible.

At the time, I rated it high in insightfulness, I don't really know why, but I think it may have made me put myself in the story and how I would react. How to deal with grace, forgive, consequence. I guess I really contemplated it at the time?