A review by aruarian_melody
Ace Notes: Tips and Tricks on Existing in an Allo World by Michele Kirichanskaya

hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Very worthwhile book on asexuality covering a wide range of topics. I found it to be a good overview and I definitely learned some new things. One thing I didn't love was the structure. Sometimes words were explained much later, after they have been used for a while, and I would have preferred to start with some more detailed explanations on what asexuality is and how to figure out if YOU are on the spectrum. Instead the book starts with the topic of coming out, which is a weird start. Additionally, I felt like some topics would have benefited from some more depth (some aspects were mentioned but never followed up with a clear example or section) and some things were doubled up (especially when a previously published article was included in the book). The author clearly tried to include other perspectives (with quotes and interviews) and there were quite a few points on intersectionality. Still - it clearly reads as thoughts by one person. Numerous times the author said "I don't know why this is a symbol/why this is/etc." While I appreciate the honesty, it felt strange to read that in a book. Still, the author did point out in the beginning that this is not an academic book and that it is supposed to add to the (very small) pile of books on asexuality. As such, I think it is very valuable and it gives some ideas on where to continue (it includes a long list of other resources and reading recommendations, etc.).