A review by queensflame
Geekerella, by Ashley Poston


Thank you so much to Netgalley for approving me for this e-arc. I actually wasn’t sure I’d be able to get to it on such short notice, but it was a fairly quick and easy read.

If you couldn’t already tell from the title, Geekerella is a Cinderella retelling with nerdy twist. I really wasn’t expecting to like this novel as much as a did, but who was I kidding? I’m a sucker for cinderella-story like plots. If you enjoy “Cinderella Story” movie franchise like me, I know for a fact you’ll enjoy this.

This novel features a fandom that I completely wish was real and something I could be apart of. It’s a sci-fi space show (similar to Star Trek, Star Wars, etc) called “Starfield.” The more the two main characters geek about it the more I wish I could have seen this show and joined the fandom. The author grasped the life that is a fandom and incorporated it so well into the story & that’s why Starfield felt like it could be real. I totally petition for this show to exist and for us to all go to ExcelsiCon. Also this book made me really want to go to a convention like this some day.

Another thing I enjoyed was the characters. Darien was so chill and down to earth and funny, I absolutely loved reading his chapters. I also liked how the author incorporated the message of teens getting to see themselves represented in media. Darien is an asian-american actor and he explained how watching the original Starfield when he was growing up made him happy because he got to see Carmindor, someone who looked like him, in a main role.

As for the other main character, Elle. I loved her fiery personality when it came out, but I also related a lot to her nerdy side. This book in general is a perfect nod to anyone who’s ever been obsessed with a fandom and the characters are all easily relatable.

If you’re looking for a quick, extremely fun and nerdy romance, I’d pick up Geekerella. I enjoyed this novel the whole way through and was glad I decided to pick it up, as I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get to it. Geekerella is out today everywhere so yay! Grab a copy!