A review by atrailofpages
The Challenger: Contender Book 2 by Taran Matharu


I received this ARC from a giveaway I won on Goodreads. Thanks to the publisher for sending me this book!

This is more of a 3.5 star rating for me. I would say I enjoyed it more than the first. Mostly because the kids didn’t bother me as much as the first one. They kind of irritated me in the first book.

It did take an odd and random turn when they get caught and have to fight in a coliseum. I just thought it was out of line of the story, but in the end, it did make sense why the story when the route it did.

The kids definitely grew up in this book. I think they really realized after the end of the first book that this was real, they were stuck, and had to actually start taking things more seriously. They learned to work together, be a team, and help each other get through the situation.

The ending was very fast. I was actually really surprised in the end when it just ended. I thought the point of this book was a build up for the next book for the next battle Cade had to face as contender, but it happened and finished at the end of this book. So, makes me wonder what happens in the next book then