A review by ljbentley27
Falling Apart by Katrina Kahler


With the above blurb I was genuinely looking forward to reading the Julia Jones series. After reading the 87 pages of Julia Jones – The Teenage Years (Book One – Falling Apart) I am actually kind of bummed out that I spent time on it.

Our main character, Julia is extremely unlikable. I would go so far as to say she is an insufferable brat. She explodes when things don’t go her way, causes drama, and throws herself on her bed in fits of rage. Then when situations happen around her she comes across as pious and morally righteous; she tries to distance herself from disasters of her own making. Overall, she is a narcissistic whiny little monster.

The problem I have with the series is that it could have been really good. It has all the makings of being like Mean Girls – a fun teenage romp if ever there was one – but it just fails every time a new challenge gets in the way. Unfortunately with such a two dimensional protagonist it was just not likely to happen. I won’t be reading the rest of the series.

Julia Jones – The Teenage Years (Book One – Falling Apart) by Katrina Kahler is available now.