A review by errantdreams
The Dream Crafter by Danielle Monsch


The book contains a plethora of secondary characters, most of which I expect show up in earlier books, but they were handled deeply enough that I didn’t have much of a problem with that. There are some coincidences that struck me as a bit much. It won’t give anything away to mention that Amana’s early dream-walks with a sexy man of course turn out to have been with Merc, before she was ever asked to get anything from him; the timing felt highly unlikely. I also sometimes felt like Amana should have figured out more that she could do with her powers once she and Merc are on the run and being hunted.

Once things really picked up I got pulled in and really enjoyed the story. While the initial bit of heat between Merc and Amana seemed a little contrived, it picked up into a pleasing erotic romance. There’s plenty of action and tension later on, and thankfully the book everyone wants becomes more than just a MacGuffin. The plot is simple but tense.

Ultimately I enjoyed The Dream Crafter, but it only moderately made me want to read more of the series.

NOTE: Book provided free for review by publisher
For a longer review including premise, visit my site: http://www.errantdreams.com/2015/10/review-the-dream-crafter-danielle-monsch/