A review by dbibliophile
Falling into Place by Amy Zhang



Liz Emerson held so much darkness within her that closing her eyes didn’t make much of a difference at all.

Liz looked back and counted the bodies, all those lives she had ruined simply by existing. So she chose to stop existing.

I wish second chances were real.

Falling Into Place is about a teenager named Liz Emerson who made so many terrible things to other people and decided to take her life because probably she cannot take anymore guilt. She planned her suicide to come off as an accident. This book is told from multiple perspectives in non linear form, but there is a mystery narrator.

I know that this book will be depressing that's why I decided to read it after I got a copy (I love books that are poignant! I just do! lol). Liz is not likable. She's mean. She destroy lives. She's a bully. But behind those queen bee qualities, she's depressed - suicidal and no one seem to noticed. The more I find out what the terrible things she did the more I saw that Liz is a girl with so much heart.

What I love about this is it made me realize that you cannot really know a person unless you're the one living their own life. Even if you are their best friend or their mother or their closest relative, you really can't know a person. There's so much more to a person than what they are trying to show you. That every one of us are flawed - human in every possible way. And the author did a great job delivering this considering she made this novel when she was in high school. And now that she graduated high school, she's an author! Wow. I envy her. I like how she writes and I wish I could write like her.

This book reminds me a lot of [b:If I Stay|4374400|If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)|Gayle Forman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347462970s/4374400.jpg|4422413] and [b:Before I Fall|6482837|Before I Fall|Lauren Oliver|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1361044695s/6482837.jpg|6674135]. So if you are a fan of those books or if you love contemporary that has deep issues, I highly recommend you to read this.