A review by loverofromance
Midnight Rising by Lara Adrian


This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceMy Review


Rio, is still shattered from grief and pain and the loss of betrayal from his mate. He has fought long and hard against fighting evil, and will do anything to protect the men he fights with. An ancient evil has been released, and Rio is in the process of destroying the chamber and the evidence, and also to bury himself in the rubble. Journalist, Dylan Alexander, is traveling in Europe with friends, and working on a story. Dylan has psychic abilities that are almost a curse, but this ability leads her to a hidden tomb with ancient writing and a sense of evil that permeates the room. She stumbles across a dangerous creature, a man that is scarred and full of pain and a being she can't resist no matter the danger. Rio and Dylan are drawn together, by danger and passion. Dylan is the key to finding the answers in the search for this ancient evil, but also in the disappearance of breeds. But there is an enemy, an enemy that is hunting for Dylan and only Rio will be strong enough to protect her.

The Hero 

Rio is a Breed Warrior, and to many of their kind he isn't looked upon in favor. Rio is the most loyal and fierce of them all. Rio was mated, but his mate Eve betrayed him and his warrior brethren and Rio is bitter and angry and full of hatred. Rio is both scarred physically and emotionally. He hasn't had it easy, and the pain is almost overwhelming for Rio. He has demons that he has to face. Rio has the who "tortured hero" down pat. Rio has really been struggling and we have seen this in previous books. Its been heartbreaking to see his character and the way he struggles with the pain and grief. Rio is a character that you just reach towards, he has a past that haunts him even before Eve. He is just about ready to give up on living until he meets our heroine who is like a breath of fresh air for him. We see a slow change in Rio, see him have hope and seeing his character heal. I admired Rio for his strength of character, his loyalty and devotion to doing the right thing no matter how much it hurts.

The Heroine 

Dylan Alexander has a certain psychic ability. She can see ghosts of young women. Dylan has seen this since she was a little girl. They speak to her, but she can't communicate anything with them. Her father left them when she was young, and her mother is the only one in her family that has stayed with her, accepted her, and loved her unconditionally. Dylan is a journalist, but she was betrayed by a source and lost her job. Her current work isn't exactly what she has dreamed of writing about aliens and myths, but when she discovers a hidden tomb she knows she has something legit and really could make her career. Dylan was a different heroine that I was expecting. She is driven, but also compassionate and has such an open heart. I really connected with her character because she has such a down to earth personality that you instantly are drawn to. She is a fighter too and will do anything for her mother.

Plot and Story Line 

Midnight Rising was such a wonderful story and ever since we see what Eve did to Rio in the previous books, I have been waiting for his story. Probably because Rio at first is such a carefree and fun loving warrior. Probably out of all of them, he is more lighthearted and fun. But then we see such a horrid change, where he is full of pain and hate. I have been so excited to see him get a happy ending and Dylan was everything and more that Rio needs. Midnight Rising follows a few months after Midnight Awakening ends. Rio has fallen off the map from his brethren, keeping secrets and keeping to himself. We also see a new and more dangerous evil that is in the works. And what is revealed in this book, was quite a shock and a new twist I was expecting. There is a thread left at the end of Midnight Rising that leaves us hanging just a bit but has a more "Happy For Now" type theme. Which I am okay with, because the ending feels more between a Happy For Now and a Happy Ever After type ending. Mostly due to the danger and the evil that is trying to undermine all the good these Warriors have been trying to accomplish. The actual romance between Rio and Dylan was so sweet at times, but quite a battle in other ways as well. At first their relationship is strained, but they have a connection with each other and that connection slowly builds in strength and in healing. Both Rio and Dylan help each other emotionally.
You are pure flame. I touch you and I ignite. I kiss you and I burn to have more. You consume me… like no other woman before you, and, I am certain, like no other ever could again.

Their physical relationship is quite intense and provocative and I loved seeing these two spark.
I have to go to her, Lucan. For my own sanity, if nothing else. If I stay here, I'm not sure what good I'd be, to tell you the truth. She's the only thing that's held me together in a very long time. I'm a wreck for this woman, my friend. She owns me now.

What I truly enjoyed most was seeing Rio and Dylan work through the hurdles in their relationship. Now the side characters were a blast and my favorite was Niko. Niko is best friends with Rio, and we see a strain in their friendship, but Niko never loses faith in his faith and defends him quite passionately in one particular scene that probably won me over for Niko instantly. There is such depth of emotion in Midnight Rising, and I can't wait for more.

The Cover 

I like the green gold and teal colors, with the scene of the city and the river. Has a more exotic feel to it.

Overall View 

Midnight Rising is a passionate and enticing romance that digs deeper on darker emotions and how miraculous love can heal. It has a full range of danger, desire, emotion, and love. TRULY EXHILIARTING.

Series Order

Kiss Of MidnightKiss of CrimsonMidnight AwakeningMidnight RisingVeil of MidnightAshes of MidnightShades of MidnightTaken by MidnightDeep Than MidnightDarker After MidnightEdge of DawnCrave the NightBound To Darkness

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