A review by ciska
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell


This book has approximately 595 pages, depending on your version. I found it a long 595 pages with so much information I was overwhelmed.
The book starts with Holly. Getting an inside in her "radio people" problem other world problem and her very much weird life real world problems. The next big character introduced is Hugo Lambert with his companions. I liked Holly her story a lot. It was something I was able to relate too and her confusion matched a lot of my own confusion about this book. There are so many characters and storylines in this book it is hard to decide what actually is the main motivation behind actions taken. Politics. Love and betrayal. Religion. History, today and the future. Things from some shimmering mirror world having influence on my world.
Eventually as the story unfolds and worlds and characters are getting involved in each others lives things start to make a bit more sense. I never really grasped the meaning of Esther Little and Hugo. I did enjoy the story of Marinus a lot.
Still there is something about this book that keeps me from throwing it out to a second hand shop or something. I am intrigued by the writing, I am pulled by the feeling I missed something essential and the need to find it. I will probably reread this book at some point.