A review by brunamteixeira
The Complete Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison


I really hate Georgia. I wanted to like her. I really did. But she is so selfish and shallow that I couldn't feel one single drop of empathy for her and thus couldn't find the book funny at all. I didn't laugh once while reading this and thought about how bad I wanted to slap her for her character. She has friends but as soon as someone does something she deems inappropriate or that does not revolve around her she excludes them. She is constantly mocking her best friend Jas and even though her friend share somewhat similar characteristics with Georgia, I still felt very sorry that Jas had to put up with her nonsense.
This also has something that annoys me and that is the fact that Georgia appears to be a boy magnet. All the boys, no matter if they are in another relationship, if they are way older than her (do you remember when you were 17-18 and you looked at 14-years-old people as if they were bratty kids and now dateable material?). She didn't do anything to sincerely attract the attention of those boys, she wasn't even nice to most of them, but hey a look is everything that takes, right?
Also the thing with Georgia is that she looks down on everybody around her. I can see many things in this book that were popular "back in the day". Like keeping your parent's at arms length because they are so boring; girl-hate because they are more popular or because they have the boy you like; and the boys-boys-boys mind. But I've read books written around the same time, with similar trends that were better handled and that the characters were not two-dimensional hateful things.
I find it hard that people like this book when I see so many wrong things with it. I tried to justify it to myself that they read when they were younger so the feeling they have is more nostalgic than everything else. If that is your case, don't re-read the book and hold to that feeling cause it's not hurting anybody and well, it's better to enjoy than to be completely frustrated with it as I am right now.
If you are reading this, just know that this is my re-read because I want to finish this series. I want to be able to say that I've read everything and thus my opinion is made by looking at the full picture. So far I've read until the 4th or 6th book, don't remember exactly, and the thing I remember is how much it lacked on character growth. Cause it's one thing to be a shitty person and then learn with it and become better and more complex. But it's another thing to be a shitty person and stay a shitty person for so long that I think the books could've been bounded into a single volume since it seems trapped in time. But we will see how this progress. I've made a project and I am open minded about it, I will give this series all the chances but I am not exactly hopeful that I will end up enjoying it at the end.