A review by megsbookishtwins
The Declaration by Gemma Malley


“Because no one needs to live for ever. I think that sometimes you can outstay your welcome."

The Declaration takes place in a world where death by disease and old age has been eradicated. Except for Surpluses. Surpluses were not supposed to be born, surpluses were born because their parents broke The Declaration. Anna is a surplus and she has to prove that she is useful. To serve Legals.

I really loved Anna, yes she was annoying at times but I think that really added to the story and made her more realistic and more dynamic. Anna has been raised to believe that her parents were selfish and she needs to prove her usefulness. Anna is naive, but she changes with experience and when Peter arrives. She learns to ask questions and she learns to care for others. This really shows great character development.

This book is written mainly is the perspective of Anna, and I really enjoyed reading her journal extracts as that added to her character development. It switched perspectives sometimes towards the end of the book, which I think worked really well in revealing the plot twists. The Declaration kept me captivated from the start and there was many twists and turns which kept me turning pages.

I really enjoyed the romance between Anna and Peter. The romance wasn't at the forefront of the story, which I really liked about the Declaration. The Declaration is a very well-constructed and well thought out idea and if you are a fan of dystopia's then I highly suggest you give this a go.