A review by nessreads11
The Animal Under the Fur by E.J. Mellow


*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review*

10 A++++++ Stars!!!

I honestly can't even begin to say how much I loved this book!!! I just want to shout-it-out from the top of my lungs how AH-MAZING and brilliant and fan-freakin-tastic this book is! Gahhhhh, just thinking about it, I just want to read it all over again. So good so good so bloody gooood!!!

Nashville (3) go on with your bad-self, she was out-of-this-world kick-ass! She was such a badass, my gosh was she ever! She was so strong and fierce and confident and loyal. I mean don't get me wrong, if you wrong her, boy be prepared to get her wrath. She's a tough cookie, but underneath all that, she's capable of showing her soft side too.

Carter mothereffing Smith, there aren't enough words, I repeat, THERE. ARE. NOT. ENOUGH. WORDS. Oh dear lord did I love you, let me count the ways.....

1. Friend
2. Protector
3. Loyal
4. Funny as hell
5. Cocky

Seriously though, Carter was so much more than-meets-the-eye. He was a man that showed his softer side. He listened and cared and made me love him even more. I couldn't get enough of him. He was mint chocolate chip ice cream, I just wanted to devour him.

"Carter’s heartbeat is a locomotive in my ears, his pheromones blanketing the sheets like an alluring aroma from a lit candle. How long has it been since I’ve enjoyed the touch of another?"

Nashville and Carter's relationship was explosive! Their anything-you-can-do I can do better mentality just kept one another on their toes. They were so hot and spicy and sensational together! They were out-of-this-world perfect for each other! I mean, they complimented one another to a T. Oh my gosh, I LOVED them so much! *heart eyes* for dayyyyyyyys.

I can go on and on about this book. I won't though, because obviously I don't want to give any spoilers away. Just know that this book is fantastic, amazing and outstanding. I 100% recommend this book!!! READ! THIS! BOOK!

EJ Mellow, I applaud you, thank you thank you THANK YOU for giving us Nashville and Carter!!!! The writing was superb and the characters were far and beyond marvelous! This was my first book I've read from you and why that is, I don't even know. You better believe I'll be fixing that. Can't wait to read your other books and read your future books as well.