A review by kitvaria_sarene
Fade to Black by Francis Knight


I must say that I enjoyed the first half a lot more than the second half.
The worldbuilding was great - as was the mystery of how it all happened - and what exatly had happened. Also the main character was humorous and fun to read.
In the second half we see only a bit of the world anymore - and besides one major reveal nothing new appears anymore. Also the witty character starts to doupt himself more and more. That would be quite fine, if it was a progression of the character, but at first he is a womanizer. He is sure he can get any woman he wants if just really sets his mind to it. And then there are those doubts about WHY he is the way he is, and that it has a reason, and oh so much insight into him.
The story is quite dark, so I really enjoyed the witty side of the main character more - it balanced out all the gore and dark parts nicely.
And back to progression - the last sentence it full on back to how he was before. => That just didn't feel believable to me.

There is one important female chharacter that gets some pagetime - and I very much enjoyed how badly she can kick ass. Untill we found out - she actually can't... That was annoying.

It was a quick and fun read - if you can something this dark and gory fun... ;) So despite the weaker second half I'll give it 3,5 stars.